Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Australia and New Zealand Cruise–Easo, Lifou–New Caledonia


Today we arrived at Easo and had just an easy breezy beach morning. Sadly our near bath water temperatures may be over – either that or it was just an incredibly windy day. We spent some time splashing around but the winds kept Henry out of the water most of the time.

At some point while Grant and I were out in the water I looked over to see Henry and Peter crashed out on the beach. It was also the first time I kept hearing more about sharks and jelly fish that had some stronger venom and with the heavier waves I couldn’t see the ground as much. Anyway..beautiful day, just a bit windy. We ended up coming back to the boat for lunch and never made it back out. We went to the ship pool thinking it’d be a bit warmer but that was even colder. We ended up spending a quiet day in .. I read some of the 2nd Harry Potter to Grant and Peter and Henry napped again.



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