Wednesday, March 11, 2009

a lovely chorus…

This morning we were awakened.. like most mornings by Henry waking up and singing his favorite song. “EIEIEIEIEOOOOOOO”.  Today, however, Grant was NOT having it.  So when Henry stopped to breathe, Grant took that time to yell “MOOOOOMMMMMMMM, HENRY SINGING TOO LOUD AND WAKE ME UP” AND “MOMMMMMM, I TRY TO SLEEEEEEEP” and “NO SINGING EIEIO HENRYYYYY”.  Henry took Grant’s complaints as a request to sing louder and longer.  This went on for seriously like 10 minutes. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

chrysalis confusion, handy manny, and snow!

I love this 3+ age range.  Grant is super inquisitive about everything and absorbs an unbelievable amount of stuff from who knows where.  The other day I had a jalapeño left over from a recipe I’d made and Grant kept walking by it and finally asked “What’s that called?”  So I explained to him that it was a jalapeño pepper and you chop it up and use it in recipes.  He looked confused and replied with “No, you have to watch it a long time and it’s going to turn into a butterfly”.  Throughout the day he kept passing by it and telling me you had to watch it a long, long time.  After that I didn’t have the heart to chop it up.  However I did have to chuck it out last night as it was dangerously close to changing to something less pretty than a butterfly. 

This is Grant’s Handy Manny toolbox he got for Christmas but Henry has commandeered it.  He loves walking all over with it.  He just looks like he’s always taking off to go fix something.


We had the most bizarre weather yesterday.  It went from sun to rain to snow to thunder & lightning then some weird sleet balls and then finally to big fat snow flakes perfect for a snowman.  So I bundled up the boys to go out and play in the snow. DSC_0309 They loved it.  Grant was disturbed that we didn’t have a CARROT for the nose but in the end was ok with a pinecone nose. 



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He did have fun throwing snowballs.  Henry really liked getting out and running around in it. 

I figured the kajillion pictures would make up for not blogging for awhile :)