Friday, December 24, 2010

A Virtual Merry Christmas to all!


Hello and Merry Christmas from the Dampiers! With two little boys in our household not a day goes by that we don’t spend talking about some random Super Hero. After some time I came to the realization that we, as a family actually do have Super Powers or at least Super Senses. While we aren’t rushing out to buy matching leotards (you can thank me later) I think that the Justice League could perhaps make use of our skills. I plan to submit the resume listed below. I think we may have a shot!

Have a wonderful holiday and we look forward to seeing and/or hearing from you in the New Year!

Also please enjoy the enclosed photo that has nothing to do with Christmas or Super Heroes. It is perhaps proof the Christmas mania has set in. J

The not-very-dangerous-only-available-before- 7pm-bedtime crime fighting super hero family,

The Dampiers


The Dampiers

Peter, Misty, Grant and Henry


  • World domination or successfully getting through potty training before Henry goes to college

Parental Super Skills

  • The sound of a faucet not turned off 3 rooms away
  • Or the ability to judge the disaster in the other room by the intonation of "uh-oh"
  • mmmMastery in sniffing out a potty accident from up to 15 feet away
  • Proficient in functioning on 2.5 hours of sleep on a single whiff of caffeine
  • Supersonic hearing coupled with parental intuition demonstrated by being able to identify the sound of a faucet left running 3 rooms away
  • Can expertly judge the severity of disaster in the next room by the intonation and inflection of the word “uh-oh”
  • Possesses the ability to administer “mind-eraser” powers to preschoolers by simply asking “What did you do at school today?”
  • Extensive experience in withstanding torture as demonstrated by enduring countless trips through “It’s a Small World” ride while on family Disneyland vacation.

Kid Super Skills

  • The ability to hone in on a parent's unique kryptonite for personal gain with any of the following but not limited to: whining, repetitive mom, mom.. mom.. mom.. mom, puppy dog eyes
  • Resistance to learning manners or sharing coupled with instant absorption of a dirty word
  • Time warping mastery that includes making a 10 minute lego clean-up job take 2 hours or alternately whipping through an activity in 5 minutes that was planned for the entire afternoon
  • Superior negotiation skills demonstrated by easily conning grandparents into ice cream every night while on Alaskan Cruise.
  • The ability to melt the hearts and charm the socks off parents, with a single, unexpected “I love you” and hug.


  • Family possesses minivan enabling them to remedy a natural disaster, feed the hungry, and placate rowdy kids with a movie all from the confines of the vehicle. Also, can carpool (batmobile and invisible jet – FAIL).
