Monday, February 20, 2006

rendezvous with rice cereal and the hand hunter

So for the past 4 days Granty has been trying rice cereal. I think the texture is kind of weirding him out as he attacks the spoon with great enthusiasm and, twists up his face like he's eaten something horrible (not sure i disagree) and then is ready to attack the next spoonful. We took these pics of him that seem to say it all. He's getting better each time with scaling back on the tongue thrust thing that makes it all just dribble down his chin. He's worked out how to blow rice cereal raspberries and he seems to think it's pretty cool. I'm going through bibs like they're paper towels and the grit of rice cereal is just everywhere when we're finished but it's all really cute. The first 2 nights he had 8 hour blocks of sleep and last night he slept from 6pm til 7am only waking at 9pm for a bottle!!! I'm seriously hoping I didn't just jinx that. So it seems the rice cereal is making a difference in that area. My friend Gail came over yesterday in the middle of his rice cereal feast. I'd JUST wiped off his face and gave him one more bite and ran to get the door. Gail came in and said "Whoah!! you've got it allllll over you!!" It's amazing how such a tiiiny amount can be spread over his ENTIRE face.

He's also "discovering" his hands but unlike most babies that stare at them in wonder Grant captures one hand with the other and then stares at it with great suspicion. He seems to be glad he's caught this thing on the end of his arm with wiggly sticks coming out of it. I need to try and get a picture of it but he seems to only go "hand hunting" when he's in quiet mode.

He's also made a game of pulling off his socks EVERY TIME I put them on his feet. In fact, dressing him has become a royal pain in the butt. He pushes himself off my legs with his feet, arches his back, rolls over, twists and turns and that's just putting a onesie on him.

And speaking of moving.. he's moving all over. It takes him awhile but he's still inchworming all over. You can see and hear the frustration from not getting where he wants as fast as he wants.

Oh, and this is his little dood outfit... put it on here for no other reason than I think it's cute.

Anyway, it's been a long day so that's it for now. :)


Sunday, February 19, 2006

Our New Zealand photos are now all online

Our photos are now online at

Thanks to my Mum, Sister, Cripsin, Bryan, Dave and Jill for their wonderful hospitality while we stayed with them. We had a truly wonderful vacation. Thank you!

Monday, February 13, 2006

Grant's rules for traveling...

Well we're back from sunny New Zealand and the last of our flights til the end of March when Grant and I travel back to Nebraska to see Gramma and Grampa again. And while Grant was an amazing little traveler he does has a few diehard travel rules that he adheres to while traveling...

1. Will refuse to nap in any airport and will get fussy unless taken out of stroller in order to entertain and smile at anyone within 10 feet.

2. Will board plane with no trouble but will refuse to sit or lie down until I've met all my neighbors on the plane and given them ample time to smile at me and tell me how cute I am.

3. Will only fall asleep when mum or dad have me in THE most uncomfortable position that is impossible to maintain for more than 10 minutes at a time.

4. No matter how many times my diaper is changed prior to trip, will have a full-on blow out upon entering the airport or in the last 15 minutes of flight no matter how long.

Yes, this means Grant has had a blow out EVERY SINGLE FLIGHT no matter how long the flight. I realize that almost every post in this blog is about poo but I type how we're finding parenting and what's going on in little Granty's life and believe you me, I, more than anyone wish there were a lot fewer blowouts.

On the poo-ing front I did discover Napi-san while in New Zealand!! The only thing that without fail has removed all traces of blow-outs with one soaking. It's the best!! It actually works!! Good God I sound like all those women in detergent and mop commercials that are a little too excited about cleaning. I've been gainfully unemployed for less than a month and I'm already woozy over cleaning crap.. I could be becoming my worst nightmare.

Oh yeah.. I'm no longer an employee of Microsoft. After 4 months with my little guy there was no way that I could think about leaving him for 8+ hours a day. There are too many milestones and smiles that I'd miss by being away from him daily.

So aside from the pooing Grant is getting SO big. Aside from his little toothy-pegs shown below he's now sitting up like a champ. He only topples over when he's lunging for something to his right or left. He's also been doing this tongue thing he sticks out his little tongue all the time. I'm not sure if it's related to his teeth or not but the two seemed to happen around the same time. It looks really cute too but I'm afraid he's going to get chapped lips. He also is getting great at grabbing things like glasses, hair - right at the root where it really hurts, clothes, toys etc. He is a master at the fake-out with the glasses though. He'll open his hand in front of you and wave it around and you think oh cute he's watching his hand and whammo! out of no-where he quickly reaches up and snatches your glasses. I think he's also now too big for his infant car seat so no more infant carrier. I'm not looking forward to that change. Just as you're getting really used to something, like transporting him around, it all changes.

I think he really misses watching the craziness of his "little people" (his cousins Luca and Arabella). He must really wonder what's going on with all the family we've visited lately. People always comment on what a happy baby he is and I'm sure it's because he knows he's well loved by all the family we've been visiting and of course, mom & dad.

Anyway, pics of New Zealand trip are posted on Flicker (or soon will be.. Pete's in charge of that so blame him when they're not up) :)


Monday, February 06, 2006


We're currently visiting Dave and Jill in Napier. (They've just had a baby 3 weeks ago! Pics of the dads will follow later). Anyway, woke up this morning and was playing around with Grant and pulled down his bottom lip only to find TWO LITTLE TEETH peeking out!!!

They're so stinking cute...