Saturday, October 19, 2013

Australia and New Zealand Cruise – Suva - Fiji


Bula! from Fiji! Spent the day in what I would like to call beautiful Fiji, but as it was overcast and drizzly most of the day I’m going to have to take the postcards word for it. They can’t all be winners. We spent $5 on a quick Taxi ride up to the Fiji museum, after sending off some postcards of a much more sunny Fiji (and one of a topless woman that Henry insisted we send to Jason and Sue – lucky them!) The Fiji Museum was interesting. I kind of kept quiet on the cannibalism stuff as I wasn’t sure how interested (freaked out) Grant and Henry would be in it all. There were a lot of implements for sale that would be interesting tabletop conversation starters. Like the smaller four pronged wooden fork like utensils used for poking and scooping out the eyeballs and the larger ones for tearing up flesh. In the museum they had the actual rudder for the H.M.S Bounty from Mutiny on the Bounty. We caught a cab back to the markets only to realize some of the really cool wooden turned bowls and things we would have liked to buy were bound to tie us up at customs. We spend the rest of the afternoon walking through the local markets with every other person shouting “BULA! BULA! come look in my stall!!” After a couple hours at the market we then got back on the ship. Tomorrow is another sea day and then Port Vila, Vanuatu.


Fiji Museum – Suva – Traditional canoe also cannibal forks etc!



Lots of great fruit on the cruise!  Some pool side carving today….



Afternoon tennis with the boys….


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