Friday, September 23, 2005

first week at home with grant on my own...

So with my parents gone and Pete back in work this week was my first week flying solo at this whole mom thing. Pete's also been sick this past week and has had really big meetings at work so he's been sleeping in the spare room so he can get some rest from work. Here are some minor stats from the week...

Average hours of solid sleep time throughout the night and day 2
Amount of times I've been peed on 4
Number of non-baby related tasks I can manage in one day 1
Number of 1am car drives to get him to sleep 1
Number of outfits gone through per day due to unforeseen "blowout" 1-3

We had our 2 week check up today with the doctor and everything looks good. 75% percentile for height.. he's 21.5" tall now. It's amazing how much bigger he already seems. His hands and feet don't seem so tiny anymore.. however his closet is still full of 3 month - 6 months clothes that are way too big for him.

We're planning on take loads of pictures this weekend. He makes some of the funniest facial expressions and it'd be a shame to not get some of them in pictures to share. We'll try and post them tomorrow night.

Tomorrow will be Grant's first trip to Costco and to the mall... we'll see how he does and if I can work out the mystery that is our stroller.


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