Originally uploaded by Peter and Misty.
Today was the big day we returned home from the hospital with Grant. That and I'm rapidly learning perhaps 'perfect' was a slightly incorrect term as it forgets about the poop - lots of poop :) He is mastering the feeding art well and its showing!
The nurses had a lot of fun with Grant last night as they took him off our hands for 4 hours while we grabbed some sleep in the hospital before going home - He loves the baby swings apparently and spent ages trying to stop himself from falling asleep working it all out...
Everything is going well - Both of us are very tired but trying to grab naps as he does right now.
Misty's parents also arrived today so Grant met Grandma and Grandpa Dishman - I'm sure he also got very jealous of the steak dinner Irma cooked us too!
Big thanks to Gail as well for picking up Mistys parents from the airport this morning as it clashed with us checking out of hospital - That and the meal she brough Misty in hospital right after the birth were life savers! Thanks Gail!!
Also thanks to everyone for your emails after the birth - While we haven't had a chance to reply yet but we've read and enjoyed each and every reply and all the kind words and encouragement have been fabulous....
I've uploaded some more photos to the photo album at:
If the link is slow or not working try the 'Our Photo Album' link on the right hand side of the page here and view the 'Grant' photo set....
OK, off to grab some sleep (or try at least!)
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