Tuesday, September 06, 2005

1 day overdue...

So Sept. 5th came and went with no Granty in sight. I haven't had any sort of symptoms or indication that labor is coming anytime soon. Not that I would really know what those things feel like anyway. He's definitely still wiggling around. More in the evenings and the minute I lie down for bed. We had a pretty productive weekend and got a ton of housey stuff done. I was excited today to finish up by sweeping, mopping and dusting the baseboards and finishing up other things . Definitely the whole "nesting" thing setting in. I can't believe I just typed that i was excited about doing housework! I also prepared 2 casseroles to freeze so we can have them after Grant is born. After being quite happy with my productive day I had to go back into the OB's office for another blood pressure check. I found out that it was elevated again. They had me rest and took it again 15 min later and it went way down. So their advice was to cut out my activities during the day again and only get up to do what I absolutely have to do. So much for being pleased about my productive day. So I guess I'll sit here with my feet up for the next few days. I'm sure someday I'll read back through this and wonder how I ever could have been annoyed by this advice but for now I'd better get in some good movies.

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