Tuesday, September 27, 2005

all's good on the hearing and eyeball front. :)

So we've been quietly worried about Grants hearing since he failed his hearing test a couple days after birth. They did tell us that it could have just been amniotic fluid in his ears that hadn't drained yet. So what's a good parent to do other than constantly clap and snap fingers loudly beside your child's ear.. also shouting his name just as he's dozing off to see if he can hear is another good test Pete tried a few times. Note that all of this time a flushing toilet, the bed creaking JUST as I've gotten him off to sleep, and the microwave bleeping with my piping hot food are all little noises that can wake him in an instant (not normally signs of someone with a hearing problem). Needless to say his 2 week recheck went absolutely fine and he can obviously hear and now we have a certificate to prove it.

So now that I'm not stressed out about his hearing I have more important things to spend my sleep deprived brain worrying about.. like 2 days ago when his eyeballs didn't seem to be working together. They were cross eyed and frog eyed and all over. I had a doctor's appt. that day and she assured me this was normal and it wasn't a problem. Convinced that she obviously didn't get a look at his wonky eyeball I spent the rest of the night researching "infant lazy eye" to find out what special eye devices that were going to be in our future. Needless to say this lazy eye episode only seemed to last the day and both eyes seem to be working as a team now.

He does have a "Heather toe" though.. which is where your 4th toe hangs out below the 3rd one a little. Heather will be really happy to know he's got this in common with her. :) I've resisted the urge to do a google search on toes. Give me another day. :)

Parenting is a little crazy for the obsessive worrier.


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