Friday, August 08, 2008

real grampas give kisses...

DSC_2575 by Peter and Misty.

I can't believe it's been so long since I've posted an update. 

Henry is now a very proficient crawler and pulling up and getting into everything and Grant is doing new goofy things every day that crack us up.  My parents were here for 10 days and again got Halloween costumes done, work around the house done, all while being wrapped around 2 very tiny little fingers. 

Grant has now worked out what happens in a drive through and that there are more options available than the stuff he's been getting.  I was going through McDonalds and I'd ordered him a 4pc nugget happy meal.  The cashier asked if I wanted apple dippers or fries and I ordered apples (to make me feel less guilty about the mcd's in the first place) but the minute I said "apples" Grant pipes up from the back seat and yells "NO! FRIES!" so the cashier kinda laughed and asked which I wanted and I chuckled and ordered the apples again and Grant yelled. "NO GRANT WANT FRIES!!"  Fortunately by the time we got home he'd completely forgotten about them and happily ate his apples. 

OH!  Henry also has 2 little chompers!  You can see them in the first picture with my dad. He's been testing them out every chance he gets.  

We also seem to have a little speed demon on our hands.  This is a pic of Grant on a rollercoaster with Pete at Remlinger Farms. 

I love the look on Grant's face.  He's also game for any other ride that they'll let him on.  Other favorites are bouncy castles and the big giant slides they have at fairs (I let dad climb those stairs the 4 times and we only barely got out of that loop by providing another distraction).

Grant also "graduated" from his little pre-preschool class.  I love that place and I am so sad that he's done.  I have NO idea how they got him to pose in this picture but it's so stinkin' cute.

DSC_2625 by Peter and Misty.

Thanks again to my mom and dad for all the things they help out with while they're here.  I swear we get more stuff done in the week they're here than we do the rest of the year. 

Grant is also starting to express his emotions more.  While my parents were here I was doing something in his room with him and he came up and gave me a kiss and said "Mommy, I wug you".  He then gave me a hug and kiss and walked off.  I didn't know what he said at first and then realized it and got a bit teary.  On the flip side he also felt what it was like to miss someone.  I had to take my parents to the airport at 3 or 4am so they were gone when Grant got up.  At the end of the day when Grant heard Peter coming up the stairs he got really excited and yelled GRAMMA & GRAM-MA (he is having problems saying Grampa at the moment) and ran over to the stairway to see them.  When he realized it was only daddy he looked so sad and started crying.  It broke my heart.  We've decided that Christmas is too long to wait to see the them again and just booked a ticket back for the end of September.  I'll be traveling alone with both boys to Denver and then renting a car and driving back to Cozad on my own.  Lord, help us. 

I think that's it for the updates - I really need to be posting more often so I don't miss things and these aren't so lengthy.


OH!  I forgot to mention.. I have no idea where it came from but Grant's new favorite saying is "It's SHOWTIIIME"  I have no idea where he heard it but it cracks us up which only makes him put his index finger up and say it again. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Misty and Pete,

Grant is a lovely little chap. I am glad to hear you are all OK...He looks like Pete.

Give me a call sometime.
