Wednesday, July 16, 2008

diego & thomas all in one weekend & the puller-upper...

I took Grant to a Go Diego Go! Live show. For those of you without kids Diego is Dora The Explorer's cousin (for those of you who don't know who Dora is - go back to sleep Mr. van Winkle). So Diego is an animal rescuer and Grant's favorite show right now. I mentioned it a few days before that we were going to see Diego on Friday. Every day Grant would get more and more excited to "Go see Diego on Fri-NAY". The show was pretty cute and Grant ate his body weight in popcorn. It was the first time I'd seen him really bust a move in front of other people.. and his dancing moves were more like marching.. but it was good to see him let loose. :)I found a cute Diego looking vest on L.L.Bean and then bought him a shirt and shorts like Diego. 


On Sunday we went to go see Thomas the Tank Engine again. Grant really enjoyed the train ride and all the Thomas activities there.   On the way out I wanted to have a quick stroll through the merchandising section on my own but Pete decided we should walk through with Grant. Obviously Pete is not privy to the billions of tantrums today to have not realized this was a bad idea. It actually wasn't too bad but on the way out Grant started throwing a fit about wanting some book.. turns out it was a free catalog with all the trains in it. So we grabbed one for him and he didn't put it down til we got to the car. On the way to the car Thomas was coming down the track and we were yelling "GRANT!!! LOOK!!! IT'S THOMAS!! HE'S COMING RIGHT NOW!!!" Grant just kept saying "No, Grant read book" and he sat down to read. Here's the pic we got. Still cracks me up that he's so enthralled with a book that has Thomas in it but the actual huge train right beside him doesn't even deserve a raised eyebrow. :) Kids.

I don't have any good pics of Henry doing this but we will snap some soon.  He's pulling up on everything but not all the way to his feet.  He only pulls up to his knees so he can see or get to something.  His favorite two things to do this with right now are Grant's easel, as there is a tray with loads of tasty crayons (second favorite food only to paper) and to Grant's toy bins.  It's been such an adjustment thinking in terms of him being so mobile.  It's quite cute to see him crawl around after Grant though. :)

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