Monday, August 25, 2008

potty training woes...

So I've found that with potty training a toddler it seems to be 3 steps forward a billon-ty huge and disgusting steps back.  For all the squeamish - You may want to bypass the next couple of paragraphs. 

I'd been avoiding the potty training all together taking the advice from several people that when they were ready it would be a breeze.  Grant would shout "NO!" every time I even MENTIONED the potty so I kept avoiding it and assumed he wasn't ready.  We had some friends (Jason & Sue) from England that raised 3 boys and after much talk on the subject Grant woke up a few days later with a completely dry diaper.  So I immediately took him to the potty to go.  He did resist at first and then after some distraction for about 5 minutes he went in the potty.  We celebrated and gave him a chocolate for going.  Since then we've been practicing naked time each time he has an accident because I think without thinking he reverts back to going in his pants.  It has all been going very well with very few accidents.  And just like that - the parenting fairy shows up to smack the smug look off your face. 

We thought we'd enjoy one of our last days of sunshine here by grabbing Grant a happy meal and going to the park.  It all went really well until Grant started ripping off his pants and looking very distressed.  There is no bathroom at this particular park.  We tried convincing him to go wee in the bushes and then realized to our dismay that he didn't need to do a wee.  Team Dampier quickly whipped into action as I held his hands and tried to calm him down and Peter whipped up an ingenious "NEW POTTY" out of his Happy Meal box.  Grant finally relaxed enough to go and I was SO glad the 3 wipes I had remaining in my diaper bag were good enough for clean up duty.  Grant went on his merry way.  Then it all started again.  Can I just say I'm SO glad the park was completely empty.  So this time we were really in a bind.  No more new potty, no more wipes, no more ideas.  I did feel horrible for him as he was really distressed and kept crying that there was "Poo in my Wundies".  Poor Henry was left in his stroller to look on the entire time.. and even he looked horrified.  By some stroke of luck I had spare clothes in the car and some plastic bags so we could all get home without contaminating everything. 

Aside from that mishap he's doing really well at going to the potty when he needs to and we've only had a couple of accidents so we're not doing too badly. 

In Henry news - he's very VERY fast at crawling and he's eating more and more solids.  I honestly think he will be happier once the bottle is finally done.  He just really seems to prefer food to milk.  It's amazing that he's as small as he is when you consider the amount that he eats.  He's like a goldfish and I have to cut him off at almost every meal and hide the food or he goes into a screaming fit.  He is also saying "DA-DA-DA-DA" quite well which pleases Pete.  He does say "MA-MA-MA" as well but not as often.  Lately he's been doing this thing where he shakes his head back and forth and thinks it's hilarious as well as Grant.  Henry really likes following Grant around and his favorite thing now is standing up at Grant's toy bins and just rummaging through them all.  Today was a splash-fest at bathtime by both boys.  It was pretty cute.  He had his 9 month baby check up last week and he's solidly into the 3-5% percentile for weight @ just under 17lbs and he's in the 25-50% for height.  He's very long and lean. :)

Anywhoo.. there's our little update.. haven't taken any pics in awhile but I really need to try and get some with the boys together.  Now that I've posted that I'll see if I'm more committed to getting it done. :)


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