Monday, January 14, 2008

Christmas past, tubing & lesson learned?

We're back from the holidays and Grant still hasn't worked out that we can't just head over to Grampa and Gramba's house just whenever (though I wish we could).  We had a great time with our family and even got in a couple of movies.  The flights were a bit of a struggle but overall both boys traveled really well.  Grant also got to play outside with Grampa EVERY day we were in Cozad.  There was still plenty of snow around and his little snowsuit and the old sled got plenty of use.  I thought this pic of Grant and Henry was particularly sweet.  Grant has always quite liked his baby brother but out of nowhere he decided on his own that he really wanted to hold him.  We've asked him several times at home if he wanted to do this and he had no interest but one evening at my parents house he blurted out "Grant hold baby" so we of course got out the camera. 

This past weekend we took Grant tubing and he LOVED it.  I really fear he's going to be a little extreme sports dood.  Henry and I had to hang back at the cafe because it was a little too cold for us to be out.  The minimum age they recommend for the tubing was 3 but we thought we'd just take him out there and see how we felt.  After the first run he was on his feet and rearing to go again.  He yelled "WEEEEEEE" all the way down every time on the way down and Pete said that every time at the top of the till he yelled "GO GO GO" until they were off.  After their tubing session ended I went to the car to feed Henry and Peter let Grant hang out and play in the snow.  He was scaling big drifts and hills and having a great time. 

For the past few months we've been lecturing Grant over and over again to not grab things off the kitchen counter.  We're normally pretty good at keeping them clear or keeping things we need towards the back.  This morning I was trying to get a bunch of appts booked for Peter and I and noticed I was getting something accomplished and it was quiet which could only mean Grant was up to no good.  I looked over and he was reclined on the couch with a bottle of hershey's chocolate syrup tipped into his mouth.  I immediately freaked out and hung up on the dentist's office in order to go investigate.  Fortunately, the reason the chocolate syrup was out was so I could throw it out because it was nearly empty and the rest was too thick to get out of the bottle anyway.  So no nightmares of chocolate everywhere.  So AGAIN we had the "don't get things off the counter" lecture and we were on our merry way.  This afternoon I was in the dining room and noticed Grant had made his way to the kitchen and was grabbing the dishwashing soap off the counter.  I watched as he pulled it down and put it to his mouth and then recoiled as he realized that it didn't taste of something yummy and wiped his mouth over and over.  He then quietly replaced the bottle and walked back to the living room.  I'm not sure he learned his lesson completely but I'm sure it made more of an impression than my lectures. :)

Henry is doing great and staying out of trouble.  He's now nursing completely and I think gaining weight.  He'll have his 2month well baby check on Wednesday and I'll do a complete Henry post on his progress then. 



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