Monday, January 21, 2008

another of Grant's super powers...

Apparently Grant is in possession of poo that causes temporary paralysis but only for Peter.  The other night I was making dinner and doing about 30 other things and Peter noticed that Grant had a certain familiar odor.  Upon checking him he realized he'd blown out and in doing the diaper check Pete ended up with poo on his hands.  (Gross, I know but when you're up to your ears in dirty diapers you get desensitized to it).  So instead of dealing with it Peter yells to me that Grant's blown out --to which I yelled back to go & change him. (Apparently the poo makes your brain unable to function for a few moments as well). He informed me at that time that he couldn't because he'd gotten poo on his hand.  How that meant he couldn't FIX the problem I will never know because I then had 31 things to do.  Apparently in Dad-world this made sense.  Fortunately for all of us the paralysis of the brain and body were short-lived as he came in to check on us once the mess was cleaned up. 

This would be a lot funnier if everyone were around when at least 3x a week Peter sings a little ditty he made up with the lyrics "DAADDYY the WonderDad.. doing things no other Dad's will do!"  This is after I ask him to do something completely ordinary.. throw something away.. put on Grant's socks.. whatever.  We apparently have found the WonderDad's kryptonite.  :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love your writing misty--and this story in particular touches my heart :) we've got a "wonderdad" at our house too...

carrie (from peps)