Friday, September 08, 2006

Happy Birthday Grant!

I can't believe its been one year since I last sat on this exact same sofa and announced our wonderful news - Master Grant had arrived safely and well!

Today is his 1st birthday and we celebrated by taking him to the Puyallup Fair! (Its great they open a fair on Grant's birthday - makes him feel very special!). We had a great time looking around - Grant was fascinated by the Chickens and the Goats. I tried to sneak him onto the big tall bumper slide that you ride down on a sack, but he had to be be 2 or older - next year Grant - A real shame as he would have loved sliding down there on my lap...

Weather turned out great too and we enjoyed some corn dogs, elephant ears and strawberry shortcake - especially Grant....

We'll add some photos tomorrow....

Happy 1st Birthday Grant. Its been truly the most amazing of years.


I can't believe a year has passed since I first held Grant in my arms. I'd say it's been a rollercoaster ride but that would imply there were a lot of "lows" and none really compare to the unbelievable highs and absolute joy he's brought to our lives. I KNOW everyone says it goes so fast but IT GOES SO FAST! I remember looking at 6 month and 9 month clothes and thinking it was going to be AAAGES before he fit into those. These are all the clothes that have been packed away into boxes to make room for the 12-18 month clothes in his closet.

I remember when Pete and I were having trouble conceiving. After a few years you start to think maybe it's not in the stars for you to have a baby. You question whether it's fate and start to wonder what your life would be like without the pitter patter of little feet. Peter and I have a great relationship and it was what we thought was fulfilled. It wasn't until the first time we were away from him that I realized how such a little person could completely fill a house and our hearts. Last week when my parents were here Peter and I went to the movie while my mom and dad watched Grant. When the movie was over we walked out and I realized how much our lives had changed. There is nothing that could have prepared me for how much more fulfilled our lives have been since he came into the world a year ago. I've laughed more, cried more, and loved more than I ever thought possible.

I can't wait to see what the next years bring as more and more of his little personality starts to show.

Happy 1st Birthday little Grant.

Love always,


Anonymous said...

Buddie looks so BIG in his pictures..We had the best time in our lives taking care of Grant while we were there and we are sorry we didn`t call him on his birthday . We remembered but as the day went on we just ran out of time. Grandma and Me would like to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Granpas "BIGGER BOY"
Dad and Mom

Joanna said...

Sniff! This is such a sweet testemony to the joy of parenthood. It seriously made me tear up! Happy Birthday, Grant! And happy 1st year of parenthood to you guys! :)