1yo stats & steps
Grant had his 1yr well baby check up last week and apparently we've been doing everything right or right enough. He's growing well and there are no concerns about anything. He is now 23lbs and somehow figured out the scale had a hidden reset button and kept hitting it. The nurse said she'd not had a baby figure that out before. I ended up having to try and sit him up on that little scale so he would quit trying to roll over and push the button. He's not gotten any less wiggly. He is 30.75 inches long so he falls in 70-90 for height and around 40-50th for weight. Our growing boy. His doctor confirmed that the spill he had last week did cut his upper lip frenulum last week. Apparently this is pretty common and more and more pediatric dentists are having to snip these because uncut they can cause a gap between the front 2 teeth. I wish I'd had some sort of handout on this. The only thing that kept me from truly freaking out was the fact that another baby in our PEPS group had already done it. It was an unbelievable amount of blood though and didn't help that Pete was sitting there telling me not to overreact.In other baby news - Grant has been sneaking in a few steps here and there. He's been motivated by a bit of brownie. On Friday I put a few tiny chunks on my leg and he walked 3-4 steps Frankenstein style and then quickly gobbled up the brownie. I think he thought my cheering was for him eating the brownie - I don't think he even realized he'd taken steps. Saturday afternoon he stood up a few feet from the book case and took 4 tiny steps over to it. We tried getting him to do it again by placing his toys all over on the couches but I think he's on to us and has reverted back to his "I'm not a circus monkey" days.Doesn't mean we'll stop trying. :)-misty
1 comment:
When Chimee was about 3 months old, we were sitting on the couch and I said, "Chimee, go get your mouse. It's over there, next to the window, under the bookcase." Chimee just sat there. I said, "Oh yeah, I forgot. You're not smart like a dog so you can't do stuff like that." Chimee looked at me for about 5 seconds. Then he stood up, stretched, walked over to the window, got his toy, brought it back to me, and laid down and went back to sleep. He's never done it again (at least not on command) since. Maybe he and Grant are kindred spirits ;-)
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