Monday, August 07, 2006

dood's got mad skills...

New pics posted in the photo album. The pictures above are from a park at the lake down the road.

So on Wednesday I'm starting to wean Grant from breastmilk and onto whole cows milk. Up until Sunday night he could not work out a straw to save his life. Fun to chew on and that's about it. He didn't seem to care for sippy cups as they didn't keep the fluids flowing and he had to constantly work at it. When I had a visit to my regular doctor she suggested putting a big of milkshake in the bottom of his cup with a straw to motivate him. Once he realized what was in the cup he was extremely mad that we weren't tipping it down his throat. I accidentally turned the cup upside down and a bit of if went out the straw and he realized how to get more really quickly. So yay! He's worked out a straw! We celebrate all Grant related milestones. :)

In other news Grant's finally found his "outside voice" and he REALLY likes to squeal. People have always commented on how quiet Grant is. He does the normal baby babble but sparingly and not really much in front of other people unless he's truly comfortable. Today something clicked and he realized he can make a really LOUD high pitched squeal. So he practiced all afternoon. When he was playing, when he was mad, when he was happy, when he was supposed to be sleeping. It was kinda funny and pretty cute the first 20 minutes. I could have done with out the angry squeal when getting him into his car seat though. :) He's definitely very good at letting you know when he's not happy.

Anyway.. learning new stuff everyday. He's also been waking up throughout the night again. :P
That's one skill I'm hoping goes by the wayside pretty quickly.


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