Monday, January 09, 2006

we may have a superhero in our presence...

I think we may have a superhero in our presence. His superpower seems to be the ability to freeze people for a few seconds. When we were back in Nebraska, Grant and I had gone to bed a bit early and Pete came up like an hour later to go to bed. I saw Pete turn to get into bed and he froze, crouched over,leg in mid-air. In my groggy state I gave him a confused look and through his teeth he whispered "I've been caught". Grant had opened his eyes just as Pete was getting into bed and the threat of waking up made Pete freeze in his tracks.

There have been other instances where he's used his super powers to get out of naps. I'll put him down sleepy for his nap and go do something. When I walk back by to check on him I'll peek through his cracked door only to find his little eyes staring right back at me. It totally catches me off guard and freezes me every time. If I walk away he starts crying because he knows I've seen him.

Yesterday morning I put him back to sleep after feeding him and went to wash some bottles. When I walked back past his room I glanced in only to see the top of his little head and his eyes peeking over the new bumper we'd just bought him. He'd flipped over onto his stomach and pushed himself up really high and was waiting for me to walk by to use his freeze-ray eyes.

He obviously needs to hone his craft in order to fight crime because as of right now his super powers are only getting him out of naps. But I do have to say that freeze-ray eyes beat out wonderwoman's "lasso of truth" any day. I don't know if the Justice League of America even has any openings but if she got in with that lame super power I think Grant just might have a chance... oh yeah.. she had the invisible jet too. hrm. guess I don't need to shop for a super hero outfit just yet.


1 comment:

rkimedes said...

I'm thinking the Invisible Jet isn't so much a super power as a gadget, so you may still be onto something