Friday, October 28, 2005

these are a few of Grant's favorite things... and narcolepsy!

So we've been pretty unsuccessful at getting Grant to smile for us in order for us to take a picture but we've started noticing a pattern. He's MESMERIZED by this incredibly ugly halogen lamp we have in the family room. (So ugly I've been trying to get rid of it for 2 years but Pete won't let me). Every time he's on Pete's lap his eyes immediately go to this thing and he smiles and coos at it and his eyes get all glassy from not blinking. The other day Pete turned on the lamp for him and he was entranced for the next 10 minutes staring at this wondrous object. He does the same thing with the mural I painted on the wall behind the glider. I feed him there every day and in the middle of the night and he won't take his eyes off of it. If I move him so his back is facing the mural he simply tips his head back to stare at it some more. The funny thing is this mural is the one where Peter Rabbit is hiding out in the watering can in the shed. By following his eyes he seems to be particularly taken by the watering can. I have no idea what's going on in that little mind. :)

Grant also has had 2 instances of narcolepsy that have cracked us up. Both times he's been particularly fussy and sitting on my lap. Mid-whine he just conked out. Like someone pulled the plug on a little robot.. zhoooomp.. out... and he's off snoring. If he'd only do that at 3am it'd make my life a bit easier!

Halloween pictures will be posted on Monday.. (Pete's making me wait). I should warn you though.. you might just die of inflicted cuteness. :)


P.S. I've had a few people ask me about the cold bottle thing. There's nothing wrong with giving a baby a cold bottle. We checked with the pediatrician who said "lucky you if you can get him to take it.. it'll save you time!" Since Battle of Cold Bottle he's occasionally let a cold-ish one slip back into the routine.. but only if he's kind of distracted. :)

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