Saturday, October 29, 2005

he rolled over!

Not sure if it was a fluke or not but we had Grant on his tummy this evening and he surprised us both by rolling over to his back! The way he moves his feet makes me think we're going to see him crawling early.

His conversations with "lampy" are now getting more animated and more vocal. We got the video camera out tonight and caught the tail end of it. We're going to edit them and put them online to share sometime soon. If conversing with inanimate objects is a normal thing please let me know. I've never heard of it.

Pete just finished editing the first video we have of Grant in the hospital. I can't believe it was 7 weeks ago. He's grown so much. At our last doctor visit (a little over a week ago) he was 23" long and 12lbs 8oz but Pete stood on the scale with him the other night and he was over 13 lbs. Every morning when I pick him up I swear he's gained weight over night.


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