I think most parents are in agreement that anytime you ask your kid what they did at school that the standard answer is usually “nothing” or “I dunno, stuff”. So occasionally when Grant is feeling super chatty about his day I pounce with lots of follow up questions so I can get a glimpse of what his day was like and what he’s thinking about.
Today at school pick up he was chattering about some book they read at school that was SO funny about some big fat chicken. And it was a fairytale.. like the princess and the pea and goldilocks and stuff.
So I immediately thought.. chicken? oh.. perhaps Chicken Little or Chicken Licken. I asked if it was about the chicken thinking that the sky was falling and he responded with “No.. it was about a .. chicken. and he was really fat.. and the straw or hay or something”. Oh! got it! right! Obviously it was the Little Red Hen who tried to get everyone to help her grow, harvest and bake the bread with no luck and then everyone wants to eat the fruits of her labor(sounds like my life btw). So certain this was the fairytale Grant was speaking of I started explaining the Little Red Hen story and he stopped me. “No..it was.. about a big fat chicken.. and I think he was eatin’ tacos”. I thought surely I heard him wrong but no he continued that the tacos were made of straw or hay. Now, I was completely stumped.
I got home and did some internet searches in the event that it was some modern day fairytale I didn’t know about.. and only came up with a thousand different recipes for chicken tacos. So I then emailed a classmate’s mom asking if she’d find out about this Obese, Straw Taco Loving, Chicken story. She went to work and mailed me back this:
Well I asked him and this is what I got. "Chicken, there wasn’t no chicken." "Not at my school" "Duh"...verbatim...they are both out to make us nuts!!! And when I tried to explain about book and all, he said "Is this gonna take long 'cause i gotta tinkle"
I found another classmate’s mom on facebook that night and asked her. Her son was still up and his response was this “he's singing something about baking bread and about a cat, a goose, and a hen?????”
So.. back to where we started.. with the little red hen.. the moral of this fairytale is when I get an answer don’t go digging for it’s meaning because after hours of research it still won’t be clear .. and that only leaves you confused and hungry for chicken tacos. Take THAT Mother Goose.