Tuesday, June 08, 2010

TP Tuesdays

For the past couple of weeks Grant has been yelling out from the bathroom that he can “only wipe my own bum on Tuesdays”.  I thought it was just some weird regression and told him he needed to do it every time, no matter what day.  Today he extended the offer to Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  When I told him he was in luck because today was Tuesday he responded “Oh.  Well then today I can wipe my bum" as if it were the most normal thing in the world.  I don’t even want to know the horrors that are going on back there on a daily basis.  And I don’t know what it has to do with the other days of the week.

1 comment:

Cyndi said...

I was watching a friend's daughter who was about 5. After being in the bathroom for awhile she started yelling for me. I came to see what was wrong and she pointed her behind at me and told me she was ready to be wiped.

Seriously. I don't wipe other's bums, so I told her to do it herself. And if she can't at age 5, then her mom will just have to deal with the laundry.

I asked her mom later and she was horribly embarrassed. I guess she doesn't ask her parents to wipe her - just those who babysit her. LOL! She forgot to warn me about that...