Tuesday, June 08, 2010


Peter got an iPad this last week (I still don’t GET why we needed one but a “boy and his toys” is a whole separate blog post). He’s quite late on the iPad acquisition and we’ve had a running joke since it’s come out about “takin’ it to the iPad”. On one of the Entertainment gossip shows in the evening one of the commentators was obviously comp’d an iPad and at LEAST once a segment he says “let’s take it to the iPad” where he does nothing but slide a photo around and point to famous people. Henry has obviously picked up on some of this and applied it to his world. I now hear him daily talking about “iPoot” and it’s usually followed by a familiar nauseating scent. But have no worries.. there’s an “app” for that.. it’s called a diaper. Peter seems less happy about “Takin’ it to the iPoot”.

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