Saturday, September 20, 2008

First haircut.

After a few months of everyone commenting on Henry's sideburns we decided he was looking a little Elfin and needed a haircut.  DSC03976

We were slightly worried about 2 things.  One, obviously that Henry would freak out as he's been going through some separation & stranger anxiety lately.  But on top of that, Grant just got his haircut at the same place his dad gets his haircut where they have no kiddie car seats, movies playing, nor any toys or lollipops for doing well.  This magical land of haircuts also charges $30 so we were a bit eager for him to move on to big boy haircuts and Cheap Cuts.  :)  We were worried Grant might get a little jealous about Henry getting to sit in the car seat and play with the toys but fortunately Henry was happy to share (or really, unable to stop Grant from grabbing them).  He got a bit annoyed with the spray bottle and clippers but didn't cry at all.


I'm always amazed at how a haircut can transform a baby into a little boy.



1 comment:

Joanna said...

What a handsome boy! And you're totally right about the transformation from baby to boy. I remember thinking how OLD Addie looked the first time I cut her hair.