Friday, March 14, 2008

oh.. forgot

Yesterday Peter and I headed out to the grocery store after Grant and Henry went to bed. Apparently after a few minutes Grant was up again. Jenny went in to check on him and explain that it was bedtime and she was also given the "Granny OUT!" treatment. Nice to know it's not just Peter. :)

The other couple of Grant things I wanted to mention were the amount of bumps and bruises Grant has gotten since he's been here. He's skinned his knees and knocked his head more times than I can count. A few days ago we were getting fish and chips and had to wait outside until the shop opened. Grant had wandered underneath this sign that was just about his eye level. There were trees and bushes behind the sign and rather than going in after him Peter decided to joke that there were monsters back in there -not thinking Grant would even take notice or understand. Grant turned on his heel and ran full speed back out of the trees not quite ducking enough to clear the sign and we saw his feet fly up in the air and him land flat on his back. I think he was quite shaken up by the whole thing. He was fine but I think if we'd gotten that on video it would have been on america's funniest videos. The other incident that happened a day later was at the pancake rocks. Grant was walking by this little girl who was quite pretty and he couldn't take his eyes off of her. His body kept moving full pace and he ran right into a wall. He then started kissing the ground so I have no idea if he knocked a little screw loose or what but everything seems to be back to normal again.

I HOPE I'm not jinxing myself here by saying tonight was the quietest bedtime we've had since we arrived. And we didn't even have t resort to drugging either of them!! :)


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