Wednesday, July 26, 2006

we may be in trouble...

Yesterday morning we woke up and found Grant had a pooing accident overnight so I handed him to Pete while I changed sheets and spent the next 10 minutes scrubbing and sanitizing his mattress. All was going well until he woke up from his first nap of the day 3 hours later. When I walked in he was standing in his crib waiting for me wearing only a very happy smile. I found his diaper over in the corner and a big wet spot on the mattress. I'm really hoping it was just some stroke of luck that he was able to get his diaper off. He hasn't done it since (hallelujah!) but I'm sure it's a matter of time. He's such a hot blooded little guy that I really don't want to put him anything else to sleep in while it's so hot.

Yesterday we had swimming which went better than last week (cried the entire time). He only cried for a bit in the beginning. I think the more he gets used to it the better he'll be. He's oddly kind of OK with the underwater bits when he's facing me. He just seems to get really mad when I'm near the edge and I don't let him get out.

Today I decided to take Grant to a Story Time class they had at his little gym. I don't know what I was thinking. Putting and extremely active child in a gym with loads of cool things for him to crawl and play around on and then trying to make him sit still in your lap while someone reads a story is a recipe for disaster. He did have a good time before and after storytime when he was studying all the 2 & 3 year olds running around and climbing the rock climbing wall. He loves going nuts in the gym there. I think we're going to have to keep him enrolled there.

Today I realized he knows the difference between different toys. I asked him to get his phone and he crawled back in his room and picked up his phone. Later on I asked him to get his book and he did the same. Call MIT!! Call Harvard!! Our child is a genius!! :)

Getting cuter and more fun day by day..


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