So, Grant had his first day of daycare on July 5th while we went to a movie and had lunch. I think I broke our baby. We went to check on him between the movie and lunch and he was crying like I'd never heard him cry. So I consoled him and tried not to be offended when he only wanted to go to Daddy. The childcare people assured us that he would be fine for us to go have lunch. When we came back to pick him up he was crying again.
The weird thing was being in our house when he wasn't here. It's amazing how such a little person can fill an entire house. :) Since daycare, diaper changes have been seriously impossible. Backbends and SCREAMING CRYING. He's never been a big fan but it's much much worse since. He's also wailing every time I try to put him to bed. But the kicker is that he's picked up some bug. He woke up this morning all snotty.
This afternoon Peter had some colleagues from Sony come to our house so he could demo something for them and they could meet Grant. It all went swimmingly until Grant decided it was well past naptime. I took him to his room and gave him a bottle and then he was kind enough to give the entire contents of the bottle back via a GINOURMOUS fountain of vomit. Not cute baby spit up, the big person kind in the manner of The Exorcist. I had to call for Pete to step away from his guests and come in and assist. I had to do a complete clothing change and I now need a shower because that horrid smell is stuck in my nose. I just ended up giving Grant a full bath. Poor guy. Now I'm all worried about him getting dehydrated and stuff.
So childcare went fantastic. :P It's going to be hard to leave him there again.
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