Eager to start I opened the huge boxes and sat down with the manaul - Yes I'm not that stupid and know my limitations with DIY - So I read the manual. It clearly stated that the ground must be level - showed pictures of people leveling ground with a 2x4 and level etc...
So I headed out and found a bit of level ground in our yard - looked great to me - damn level alright.
So I started assembling the shed....
Screw floor pieces together - Check
Find side - panels - Check
Put first side panel up and attach to the floor - check
Put second side panel up and attach to the floor - check
Put third side panel up and attach to the floor - check
Put fourth side panel up and attach to the floor - check errr welllll no.... errrmmmm...
It appears the manual really wasn't kidding about using levels and making sure the ground was absolutely flat. The fourth side didn't line up right due to the ground not being perfectly level.
At this point there was a bit of swearing.
So I had to unassemble the whole thing (no easy task due to the "snap" bits not "unsnapping" easily - technical shed building term)
So I had shed pieces all over our yard and 3 huge shed boxes blocking up one stall of our garage.
For weeks.
Undeterred I paid our local landscaping neighbors guy to level off a section of yard properly.
Finally last weekend I built the thing! Only actually took about 3 hours - I got it all done apart from the Windows which had to wait for the next weekend....
Now its all finally ready we had a big family shed opening ceremony...

Congratulations on your lovely new shed! Grant looks very proud of his dad. Well done! : )
test from dad
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