Sunday, June 18, 2006

9 month visit and Grant speaks!!

We had Grant's 9 month visit on Friday which was also my birthday. At the time I thought the best birthday present was finding out he didn't have any injections due at this visit! Our little heffalump is now 21.5 lbs and 29.5" tall. He's in the 95 percentile for height and 50th for weight. Which is what he's always been. Mr. Long and Lean. He did have to have a finger poke to test for anemia which I thought would make him cry but he only seemed to be mad that he couldn't play with the little tubes they collect the blood in.

AND THEN Grant said his first word!! I know that babies' first words are whatever you kind of hear them to be but this was the first time anything he said was really recognizable. Pete came home a bit early from work and waved at Grant and said "Hello" and Grant looked back at him and waved and said "H'lo" right back. We kind of laughed and repeated "Hello" with waving and he kept doing it! I don't think he completely understands what it means or when to do it.. but he knows that saying "Hello" goes with waving. He's stopped to wave and say "H'lo" to us at various times throughout the weekend.

So all in all a great birthday weekend and a great Father's day :)

While on the subject of Father's Day I'd just like say what a great Dad Peter is. Since we've had Grant, Pete rushes home every night to make sure he can be there to say goodnight at the end of each day. Grant completely lights up every time he sees him. When he hears Peter's voice somewhere in the house he looks to the stairwell where daddy always magically appears from every night. On the weekends when Pete's around to help out more with Grant, he's always taking him outside around the yard pointing out little leaves and bugs and things. I love watching Daddy/Grant time and seeing that special bond they've already developed. And while he'll never be happy about having to help out with icky diapers (who would) I know he's as in love with our little guy and what's better than that, really? Though, I wonder if Grant has any idea that Daddy's secretly counting down the days til he can hand over the mowing to him? Happy Fathers Day!


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