Saturday, August 27, 2005

10 days to go?!

I woke up in a panic in the middle of the night and realized we have less than 10 days to go until little Granty is due. Where did the time go? It seems like only yesterday I was taking multiple injections, pills, and getting sick every day. I told Pete yesterday that in spite of the rough time I had early on in our pregnancy that I think I'll miss being pregnant. I kind of like the daily little unexpected/expected moves. Since I first felt him kick he seems to have a pretty regular kickboxing routine that starts at around 2-2:30pm every day.

We've been incredibly busy with our remodeling projects and our house still seems to be turned inside out. I've got a power weekend planned to get as much sorted out as I can but I really have to make sure to take a lot of breaks and not just power through it like I normally do. The frustrating thing is everything seems to take me 4x as long. :P People keep telling me that all we need are a few diapers and a warm bed for him to sleep in. Currently that warm bed seems to be full of relocated things that need to be put away in our bedroom. With any luck I'll at least be able to finish painting the 2nd to last wall in Grant's room this weekend and have the final wall sketched out. I'll post pics when it's finished. At least all of these things haven't given me much time to develop strong feelings of anxiety over labor and the whole birth thing. Best to keep busy I suppose. Speaking of which, break time is nearly over so back to work we go. :)


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