Wednesday, December 02, 2009

So giving.. kind of.

So I’ve been trying to really speak to Grant this year about giving to those in need and that Christmas isn’t all about getting every single present you’ve ever seen or heard.  When we were choosing Henry’s birthday present we were faced with the challenge of getting something new when he owned several hand me down toys from Grant.  We decided to get him some Geotrax that he would really like and that both boys would end up playing with for quite awhile.  Grant caught on to the fact that he got to benefit from Henry’s gifts and he seems to think getting Geotrax for Mom, Dad, and Henry for Christmas seems a GRAND idea. 

I always look for little opportunities to try and explain things so he can better understand things like how important it is to give to others. The other day when Little Drummer Boy came on the radio I thought.. oh here’s kind of a good message he can maybe get.  So I explained to Grant about a baby that was going to be the new king.. and people everywhere brought him gifts and the whole little drummer boy’s “I have no gift to bring, that’s fit to give a king” and “I am a poor boy too”.  So he gave him the gift of song and played his drum for him.  Grant got really quiet afterward and I could tell he was really taking it in and then he said… “Mom.. maybe we could get that baby Jesus kid some Geotrax for Christmas”.  I’m sure he was thinking we could somehow swing a playdate with him but part of me kind of hopes he was thinking about the giving part. 

If it takes 15 times for them to finally try a new food how many times does it take for them to get big concepts like giving and sharing? 

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