Tuesday, January 13, 2009

walk like a mannn…

Just wanted to document quickly that I think Henry is REALLY close to walking all the time now.  He’s walking across the room now and taking a lot more steps around in general.  I felt like today at times he preferred it to crawling.  He still does it Frankenstein style though with both arms out in front of him for balance.  Hope to catch it on video soon and will post on flicker.


I have a very long winded Christmas post that should follow in a couple of days.. i just wanted to make sure we documented the doodle being bi-pedal.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Josiah is pulling himself up and he's only 8m. I can't wait to see what he will look like when he starts walking. your kids are getting so big. And so is mine. Micah is potty trained but some accidents cuz jealous of jojo. Micah is 2 1/2yrs.old.