We spent the first part of Father's Day hanging around home. Grant made Peter a nice father's day card at school with his hand print and then he decided that he wanted it back shortly after giving it to Pete. He kept calling it Grant's Blues Clues hand print. Peter spent the day doing yard work and then the evening he took me to a musical in Seattle called Avenue Q (which features mostly puppets). So how's that for a super dad. Spending your one day a year doing crap yard work followed by an adult puppet show. As weird as it may sound the musical was really good and a lot of fun.
A few weeks ago I had bought a small pint of heavy cream because Peter likes to use it in oatmeal. After breakfast that day Peter and I were in the front room when I heard a splash from the kitchen. Grant has been putting his bowl and spoon in the sink lately so I kind of hoped that's what I'd heard but then Grant go quiet and they say "Grant pour milk". Peter got up to check on him and this is what he walked in on. (excuse the kitchen mess we were clearing out cupboards) He then made an attempt at somehow eating it off the floor.
Gross. Grant is not a fan of the 5 second rule as he feels that expiration point is much too hasty. I've finally got him bringing me junk he finds around before eating it but I'm not sure it makes it to the trash can when I send him there.
I'm finding that I really enjoy this age with him as he's constantly doing something funny that cracks me up. Last week we were doing a webcam session with Grampa and Gramma and Grant had decided the chair we were sitting on wasn't good enough and went to drag another chair in from the kitchen. I was hearing him grunting as he tried to move the chair. I've been working with him to ask for "help please" when he needs it but it still takes some coaching at times. On this particular occasion I stopped him and asked if he needed help moving the chair and he replied "No. Need a rope." I know he's in the do everything myself stage but it made me laugh thinking how his mind worked.."if I only had a rope I could pull it myself".
Oh and one last Grant story - This past weekend I gave Grant a nectarine to deliver to Peter who was out on the deck. Normally I cut up Grant's fruit in really small pieces so it doesn't get everywhere so he thought it was quite novel to have the whole thing and started eating it. I figured they were out on the deck so I could just hose him down if it got too messy. He and Peter sat out there eating nectarines happily until Grant stopped and looked at me completely disgusted and said "Mommy.. there's a ROCK in my peach". No matter how much I tried to explain to him it was a pit and a seed it wouldn't get through. He left his peach with a rock on the table and wouldn't touch it after that.
Now Henry Doodle is getting quite big. I threw out my back a couple weeks ago and had to go on some heavy muscle relaxants which meant I couldn't nurse. Henry was already having one bottle of formula every night before bed to bulk him up so it wasn't a huge transition to switch him to all formula while I was on the medication. What I didn't expect was how MUCH weight he'd gain in that week. I don't know the exact weight gain but he was going through 6oz every few hours and just LOOKED and felt heavier every time we picked him up. When I was well enough to get off the meds he'd decided that he was done nursing completely and considering how much he'd gained and how much time it was going to take to make my production match what he'd been drinking I just decided we'd do all formula from now on except when he wakes in the night I'll continue to nurse him. He seems to be doing well with that.
He is SO SO ready to be moving. He is even moving his legs back and forth like he's crawling he just can't work out the hands. He is Mr. Stretchy though. He can inch himself across the room by stretching out to try and grab something just out of reach. Pete saw him doing this tonight and said he was surprised he didn't dislocate his shoulder or something doing this. I'm going to try and snap a pic of him doing this as he is stretching his ENTIRE body. He's a VERY determined little guy.
He's also back to blowing raspberries which he thinks is pretty cool. Oh and he HATES broccoli. I gave him some last week and after the first couple of bites he started rolling it around in his mouth and making himself gag. Which I found hilarious and like any good mom I got the video camera to record. After the next few bites he was crossing his arms in front of his face to stop the spoon from getting near his mouth.
Anyway.. I was determined to get another post in before an entire month had passed and I JUST made it. :)
1 comment:
Sounds like a great father's day. Avenue Q is the bomb! "Everyone's a little bit raciest..."
The boys are sooooo cute!
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