Wednesday, April 02, 2008

new fangled techno crap & i smell a rat.. :)

I have come to the realization that we have somehow slid into middle age-dom at somepoint and have been completely unaware. It starts with something as harmless as realizing the hip new top 40's radio DJ's are so annoying that you're constantly hitting the preset buttons to get you back to your old familiar easy listening Waaaaaarm 106.9 station. I still occasionally visit the top 40's stations so I can feel like I'm remotely "with it" on the music scene and sing along to the occasional Jonas Brothers tune (never mind that it's an 80's remix). The other day Peter borrowed my car and came back saying.. "OMG.. they changed that station that used to have to good music on it (referring to the easy listening channel) it's now some crazy weird techno and rap station... it's horrible." I had to make him a cup of tea and inform him that he's now closer to 40 than ever and that the "crazy weird techno and rap" music was top 40. We're so uncool.

Today Kyle and Grant had a little playdate. Kyle is Grant's closest playmate and Grant asked for him over and over again in New Zealand so we were happy to have them over today. Both boys are going through a really annoying stage where they hate being changed and you have to physically hold them down to do a diaper change and get any sort of clothing on or off. They were running back and forth chasing eachother when I caught a familiar noxious whiff of something from a full diaper. I asked Grant if he pooed and he looked at me and said "Grant no go poo" and without missing a beat he ratted Kyle out by saying "Kyle go poo". Kyle was none to be happy to be ratted out and Grant obviously had no feelings or remorse as he stood outside the baby gate eating his snack watching Kyle and Jannel wrestle with the diaper change.


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