Tuesday, July 17, 2007

EEGs.. cute :)

This morning I was cleaning up the sitting room while Grant was dorking around in the kitchen. He recently had a growth spurt and loves the fact that he can reach more stuff on the counter - which has been a real pain remembering to push EVERYTHING out to the back. I heard him babbling and then he walked around the corner with what I thought was a ping pong ball and was carrying it very carefully out in front of him. He was very happy and looked at me and said "EEG!". I then realized the ping pong ball wasn't round but indeed very egg-shaped. I carefully and quickly rushed over to him and grabbed the "EEG" out of his hand and noticed a Grant-sized thumb hole poked in the top. In the kitchen I found an entire carton of "EEG's" overturned on the floor. Obviously they were left within reach. He then decided he wanted to help out with the clean up effort and I had to keep distracting him by sending him off to look for his own broom. All in all I would have thought the mess would have been a lot worse than it was and it still cracks me up thinking of him proudly walking out with his little egg in his hand. :)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Misty. Mari here. Yes Mari.
My little guy turned one on the 26th of July. Thanks for the heads up about the counter thing. He's just getting in the bottom cupboards. No is used alot. I don't know your email otherwise I would email you.