Monday, March 05, 2007

it really does go SO fast...

Tonight I was packing up some of Grant's old clothes and toys and I ran across the little giraffe rattle that he used to play with all the time. He used to chew on the head and the back foot and the back feet were always flatter than the front two little feet. His little snout was still matted from Grant's slobber and his back feet were still flat. In that minute I was taken back to that time and it really made me tear up. I actually had trouble packing it away. I've never been emotional about packing up any of his little jammies or clothes but for some reason that really brought me back to his baby days. He's no longer a baby. We now have a full blown toddler. The thing is you always hear "it goes so fast" but wow.. it goes SO fast. Some things seem so so long ago like bottles and night feeding and the wobbly head stage and yet I can't seem to figure out how we got to 18 months. I'm sure in a year or so I'll be saying this again. :)


1 comment:

Joanna said...

I had to smile because I JUST did the same thing while sorting through some of Addie's stuff. Where have our babies gone? I miss that little baby sometimes, but isn't it fun watching these little people grow up.

Hope you're managing OK withoug Pete. I knowyou guys really miss him!

Take care!