Grant had his first haircut on Saturday and it went unbelievably well! After he recently freaked out from bubbles being in his bathwater I was SURE that it was going to be a bad experience. I took him there on Friday to have a little look around because he often takes a little while before he's comfortable with new people and places. He seemed to be OK on Friday and really liked sitting in the car like chair and all the little Happy Meal type toys they had all over. Surprisingly Saturday was a breeze! He seemed to be slightly annoyed at mom and dad constantly interrupting his playtime to take pictures. The only time he even seemed uncomfortable was when she was squirting his hair wet and using the clippers but overall it was easy peasy. He never fails to surprise me. Sharp objects and clippers coming at his head and he's fine.. but put nice, fun bubbles in his bath and he screams like it's some crazy form of torture.
I actually surprised myself by welling up as he seemed to turn from a baby into a little boy right before my very eyes.
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