wow.. I haven't posted in a long time.. here are a few bullets of things Grant has been up to.
- was allowed to break all sorts of rules while in the care of Gramma and Grampa. The minute I left the room it was like Babies Gone Wild - no bed time, sure push every button on the TV and stereo, ooo see if he like's cake, candy, pudding etc. All good fun and while he enjoyed the freedom now, he's going to LOVE future visits to Gramma and Grampa's house. :)
- The problem with the relaxation of the rules is when I come home and have to play bad cop and tell Grant to get down from standing on the coffee table he responded with a VERY defiant NO! I tried not to react so he wouldn't think it was funny but inside I was going "sweet baby jesus the terrible two's have begun"
- He decided he didn't really like touching the snow and had to walk with his hands up so they didn't touch (as in pic above).
- On Christmas morning Grant decided his favorite food was Aunt Audra's pancakes and impressed us all with eating 4 1/2 pancakes.. and then I cut him off. He was not to pleased about this.
- Once we reached my mom and dad's house he decided that walking was the thing to do and his crawling days were completely over.
- We had about a week of sleepless nights and a really clingy baby that was totally unlike Grant. This spanned over New Years Eve when we had our worst night of night wakings to date. We found that his ear infection came back in addition to him cutting almost all of his molars at the same time.
-He can now identify his nose, toes, ears, eyes, mouth, teeth, and hair.. but only if he's in the mood.
- We had a really great time and Grant loved all the attention from Gramma, Grampa, Taylor, Timmy, Chris and Audra.
We're off to Baby Loves Disco tomorrow so Grant can boogie to his bottom off. :)
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