Thursday, April 20, 2006

our messy pup and his new tricks...

Today I needed to clean the kitchen and cook and Grant was bored with his toys in the sitting room. I knew it was a bath night so I sat Grant in his highchair and handed him a teething biscuit. He's normally a pretty clean eater. Of course, I have to wipe his face off but it's all in the mouth area (below nose above chin) and very little if any on his hands. The teething biscuits were something else. I swear I turned to load the dishwasher for 2 seconds and when I turned back around this is what I found...
He was quite happy with himself and knowing it was bath night I let him gnaw on it for a good 20 minutes. Here's a link to the other photos I snapped off him in all of his cookie goodness.

His crawling has been interesting. He's definitely more mobile but he seems to be trying out new ways of getting around. The standard crawling on his knees wasn't getting him where he wanted fast enough and if he gets too excited it's just quicker for him to launch himself fwd by falling forward over and over. Today I came around the corner and saw him up on his feet like a little monkey and walking with his feet and hands. Whatever he decides to go with he's definitely in a hurry to get SOMEWHERE quick.

He also seemed to work our the zipper on my purse in the grocery store. After 2 separate instances where I thought I was going crazy and leaving my purse unzipped I've realized that he's worked out how to unzip it and get into it.

Everyday he learns a new trick and I'm so glad I'm home all the time to catch them all, I wouldn't change it for the world. :)


1 comment:

Joanna said...

Aren't those teething biscuts the worst?! We made the mistake of letting Addie chew/suck on one on the plane ride home, and it was EVERYWHERE! LOVED the photos!!