We arrived in Cozad on Saturday afternoon after a 2am start to the day in Seattle. The plane trip with Grant went pretty well though its amazing how many dirty looks you get from people on a plane when a baby cries! The number of times Misty and I both wanted to shout out, "Yes we love the noise to" was limitless. :)
We spent Saturday at Chris and Audra's (Misty's brother and sister-in-law) and had a great time catching up with them and Taylor and Timmy (who have grown so much in 6 months since the baby shower this last summer).... Chris daringly offered to let me try out the ATV's that he'd bought this last fall and I survied - had much fun flying off ridges around their yard. The cold couldn't stop that much fun, even if it did take some effort to get Misty to try them out...
Its was a balmy -17c here last night with a day time high of -9c - Pretty cold but at least no additional wind chill to make things truly evil. I think Grant got quite a shock going from the car to the house etc....
Grant's Grandma and Grandpa arrived back at the house after we'd driven across to Cozad earlier on Sunday afternoon.... There was a mad rush between them both to get into the house first to see (a sleeping!) Grant...
Some photos of Grant as he gets into the Christmas spirit:

I LOVE the santa suite! Can't wait to meet baby Grant - oh, and see you two as well! We know you're acoustomed to being second fiddle. We will be experiencing the same thing this holiday. Isn't Christmas so much more fun with a kid?! See you soon! Joanna
Love the pictures of Granty in his Santa suit! The one of him between all of the presents is great--he looks like he's had a bit too much egg nog! haha Glad you got there safe! Have a great Christmas!
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