Tuesday, November 08, 2005

well that was a whole lot of nuthin'...

So for the past week I've had tons of anxiety over Grant's 2 month doctor visit (where you get your 4 vaccinations at once). I actually lost precious sleep worrying about it all. So we get there and do the normal doctor Q&A bit and Grant is totally happy and smiley. He really noticed the mirror along the back of the table this time and seems to LOVE how the paper underneath of him crinkled when he kicked and moved around. Then the nurse came in with her tray of needles while I held his pacifier in his mouth. I felt so incredibly deceptive knowing he was going to get jabbed. So she jabbed him and he of course screamed and looked at me like "How could you?!". And I cried and then picked him up and gave him his bottle and that was it. He cried for maybe 30 seconds while I was getting out his bottle and then he conked out. His pediatrician said he may sleep for 4-6 hours this afternoon. I didn't expect myself to be that affected by it all. I know it's quick pain and the benefits of the vaccinations obviously outweigh the 30 seconds of pain but I guess I don't have much experience with the "I'm hurt" crying. I didn't realize how I'd become used to the I'm hungry, bored or tired cries until I heard him squeal on that table. That made me feel more like a mom in that minute than anything I could imagine. I would have done anything to make it better. So, yeah, 30 seconds of crying and the most peaceful, angelic looking nap I've seen afterwards. Not so bad.


SCREEEEEECH.. If this were a movie this is where the record would screech and then I'd eat my words.

So an hour after this original post all hell broke loose and Grant screamed that "I'm hurt" cry for 2.5 hours straight. Poor little guy. By the time Pete got home at 5pm with the Infant Tylenol we were both crying our heads off. Fortunately the Tylenol only took about 15 minutes to work and he was fine.

Oh! he's 12lbs 8oz and 24" long and really advanced in his motor skills. 2 more inches and he's outgrown his infant carseat. And this morning I came in to find him practicing his escape out of his swing. One leg was completely over the edge of the swing and the other was over the center hump and he was lying all crooked and scooched over.

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