My method to potty training is to select a week in the summer when the forecast is good for a week (perhaps the biggest obstacle yet). I strip the child-in-training down to nothing from the waist down and we do outdoor activities on the deck for a week and a half with the potty right beside us. This also includes endless amounts of juice and what I have always promised - Hershey’s kisses (1 kiss for wee’s, 2 kisses for #2’s). For his job as the cheerleader Grant also gets a Hershey’s kiss when Henry does.
Today was day one with Henry. At first Henry wouldn’t get OFF the potty unless he had undies to walk around in. Once those were provided he and Grant got to work on finger painting. Juice boxes flowed like wine. About 20 minutes into it Henry was alarmed that he wet his Diego underpants so I sat him on the potty.
About 15 minutes later Grant wanted to see how progress was going and screeched the news that Henry had indeed gone in the potty.
We made a big deal and I awarded Henry and Grant with their chocolates. I went and emptied the potty and Henry decided he liked his place at the throne… in less than 5 minutes he’d gone again. Cheering all around ensued and the whole process was repeated. I now was in the process of making their dinner as well and came around the corner to hear Grant saying.. “Henry.. do you need to go again?.. no? .. just move and let me try to go wee in there and we can get another chocolate”. That kid is SO sneaky.
I also seem to have opened the flood gates with Henry as he’s gone for the 4th time in the hour and right now I can hear Grant asking every 10 seconds if he has to go again.