When I went to pick up Grant from preschool the other day on the board in front of me was a class turkey made of construction paper and each child had a feather. On each feather was what the child told the teacher they were thankful for. There were a lot of "normal" ones like "I'm thankful for my mommy and my little sister" (suck-ups in MY opinion), "I'm thankful for my trucks and I'm going to be an excavator digger when I grow up". And there in the middle was Grant's "I'm thankful for big, big, pie". I kinda chuckled about it as that is SO Grant. His teacher was behind me and thought I was laughing in disbelief and she said.. you know they don't all make sense.. we just write what they say. We asked him and he said the same thing 3 or 4 times so I'm not sure if he understood the question. I know Grant well enough to know that he kind of glazed over the whole meaning of thanksgiving lesson but like a little dog his ears perked right up when he heard the holiday included the possibility of pie. He needed to let someone know right up front...he was excited about pie.. of the BIG, BIG variety. He's his father's son.
I'm just now realizing that while we OBVIOUSLY celebrated both boy's birthdays I failed to actually blog about it. I'm seriously slipping in my blogging duties as a parent. I'm sure this will be reflected in my yearly review that my husband keeps threatening to to give me. :) So fear not! Grant did turn 3 and Henry did turn 1!
Here are a few status updates:
Grant is pretty well onboard the potty train.. now onto the self wiping train.. ugh. He's really liking his school and might even learn another kid's name someday. :) They all seem to remember "Grant with the glasses". Since Halloween Grant has been OBSESSED with his "toy papers". These are the weekly toys r us or target toy ads. All that is heard in our house, all day, every Sunday has been.. MY TOY PAPERS!!! HENRY DON'T GET MY TOY PAPER!! I NEEEED MY TOY PAPER! OH! I WEE'D A LITTLE BIT ON MY TOY PAPER! NO! DON'T THROW AWAY MY TOY PAPER". every Sunday (after 2 weeing accidents involving toy papers we've since stopped letting him be unsupervised in the bathroom with them).
Henry is movin on up.. in the growth charts he's now in the 10th percentile with weight woohooooo!! He's just under 20lbs now but def. moving in the right direction. His fav things at the moment are still eating paper and finding, throwing, saying Ball, and dancin. Just in the last day or so he's liked standing on his own and dancin' without holding on to things. He says Da-da quite clearly and points to Pete. He says MAAAMAAAA quite clearly at 6am.. never DADA.. go figure.
Both getting bigger and cuter every day. :) We've got Granny and Bryan here at the moment visiting and Grant is REALLLY gearing up for Christmas. It's so much fun now that he's actually really GETTTING it all... well. having said that.. him GETTTING thanksgiving was being thankful for big, big pie. Tonight when Pete tucked him in he said he was thankful for Mommie.. and as an afterthought he said "and McDonalds". So top THAT! I beat out McD's :)
I'm thankful this year and every year for a great husband, two wonderful, loving little boys and friends and family far and near who have given us such great love and support... and big, big, pie.