Monday, December 21, 2009

Merry Christmas to all…

Xmas Card 09clip_image002Hello and Merry Christmas from the Dampiers! Not much has changed in our household over this year. We’re all another year older and another year wiser. This year I’ve compiled a list of things we’ve learned as written proof of this “year wiser” business.

9 lessons learned in 2009

1. Brown acrylic paint will come out of hair with peanut butter but the aftermath of cleaning chunky peanut butter from your bathtub will not be worth it.

2. If anything in our house is a choking hazard then Henry has already put it in his mouth or just hasn't located it yet.

3. Apparently nothing horrible DOES happen when dads leave kids in the same pajamas for 3 days straight.

4. We are living in a Geotrax world... Like it or not.

5. They run a lot of weird commercials on kids TV channels.. there are a LOT of toddlers out there dying for a Snuggie and a Touch-N-Brush.

6. You can remain in denial for a good 8 months about the number of missing Happy Meal toys and Lego and the increasingly slower flow of the toilet in the kid’s bathroom.

7. When your husband suggests YOU should take your inexperienced bike riding children to the park DOWN the hill tell him to keep his big, stupid ideas to himself and then practice "BRAAAAAAAKE!" with Grant throughout the next year.

8. Do not roll down the car windows before finding out that your child wants to ask his schoolmate’s mom "Did you get your hair cut at Super Cuts or what?"

9. We have two amazing little boys that make us feel exhausted, rewarded, proud, and punch drunk goofy every day. We're looking forward to a fun-filled 2010.

Have a fantastic holiday season and we hope you enjoy the little Dampier Christmas Story photo we've included at the top. Someday my kids are really not going to be into the dressing up.


Misty, Peter, Grant & Henry


Anonymous said...

Well you out-dad me. The best I ever did on child extended pyjama wear was 2 days.

Cyndi said...

Love your creativity. You two are such fun parents and manage to entertain the rest of us at the same time.

Merry Christmas and a very happy 2010! :)

Kandi said...

Cyndi from the comment above shared this link on Facebook. I love to read blogs and cracked up at this post. Especially the toddler's wanting a touch-n-brush! You're picture at the top is adorable!!