As I've mentioned before Grant is a mover. When he could only roll he'd groan and furrow his brow because he couldn't go forward. When he worked out how to scooch fwd he'd grunt and squeak when he couldn't get where he wanted fast enough. Now that he's got crawling mastered and is pulling himself up onto things he's frustrated because UP simply isn't good enough.. he wants to be climbing. He pulls himself up and with outstretched arms he starts clawing at the couch for grip. Then he raises his legs reaching for something to give him some leverage, grunting and complaining in frustration the whole time. He's such a little monkey. In the picture above he was just trying to climb up that toy but got distracted by the camera when I took it out. He looks so big in that picture. :)
I also noticed something new he's started doing this week. We've got hardwood flooring upstairs with rugs in each room. His little play area is on a rug in the sitting room. Since he's really motoring around and he's really curious he often makes a line drive for more interesting things in the other room. I noticed as soon as he left one carpet "island" and was on hardwood he'd pop his butt up in the air and walk on his hands and feet until he got to the other carpeted area where he'd go back to crawling normally. He's either doing this because it hurts his knees or because he gets less traction on the wood floor, either way it's cute to watch and he does it now without slowing down. Crawl, crawl, crawl, monkeywalk, monkeywalk, monkeywalk, crawl, crawl, crawl.
This weekend was my first mother's day. I wish I could say I spent the day hanging out doing motherly things but I spent the morning at Urgent Care finding out that my fever, hacking cough, and general lousy feelings were Bronchitis. So Peter spent mother's day taking care of Grant while I got some much needed rest. Grant got me his own card and Pete tried tracing his hand as his signature. The result was exactly what I would have imagined would happen if you tried tracing Grant's hand with a pen.. He was very interested in what the stick wiggling his fingers around was and kept grabbing it with the other hand. The result was four kind of finger looking bumps with lots of scribbles in between and around them. It is now one of my most treasured posessions. I love being a mom.
Oh.. so here's something cool too.. so it's really hard sometimes to walk past the rows and rows of little girls cute clothes and then located the one tiny corner of boys clothes. The unfairness of it all annoys me ... and then I found THESE? Are these the cutest shoes/sandals you've EVER seen?!

I can't remember if I've mentioned Grant's "naked time" before bed earlier or not. Basically, on occasion and if I'm running ahead of schedule, I strip Grant down naked and throw him in his crib with a few toys right before I give him a bath. He LOVES it and the squeals of glee always crack me up. Besides, he's got plastic sheets so if he wees then I can just change the sheets and clean up. When I've told people this I've gotten a few knowing looks from other mom's that seemed to suggest it was only a matter of time before "naked time" wasn't so cute anymore. That time came today. In my defense, Grant for the last 3-4 months has always been a really "regular" guy. He basically goes poo once first thing in the morning and then once more mid-morning. Never in the afternoon or evening. I didn't think his mixed up sleep schedule (from being sick) would matter much. I was running late this evening so I quickly stripped Grant down, put him in his crib and ran into the bathroom right outside his room to run his bath. This literally had to have taken MAYBE 2 minutes.. probably less. I didn't think much about not hearing Grant hopping around and laughing like he always does. When I walked back in I saw something on his mattress and tried to think what toy I threw in there that could have burst open. Was it paint? Food? As I got closer I realized with horror that it was neither. Grant had poo'd and then moved around and wanted to investigate this cool new stuff in his crib. It was everywhere and it was like a scene out of a horror movie. By some incredible stroke of luck Pete came home as I was cleaning Grant and was able to help out with the massive cleanup effort. It's going to be a long time before the next "naked time". Mind you I was only 2 minutes from it happening in the bath. I'm not sure which would have been worse. After all of that, there's no way I'm cooking tonight. -misty
This is normally how we find Grant everymorning (though he's normally wearing jammies). He's always super excited to see us and even at 7am has that twinkle of mischief in his eye. However, Grant is sick at the moment. I'll spare you the pic of the snotty Hitler moustache that he's been sporting the last two days. He's got the worst cold that he's had to date and he's been teething like crazy. His coughing, congestion, and teeth kept him (and me) up all night. He was up no less than 4 maybe 5 times last night.. probably more.. you lose count in that interrupted sleep haze. He didn't want to eat or do anything more than just snuggle and fall asleep on my shoulder. He's just not been himself for the past two days and I hate seeing him so miserable. Anyway, not much else going on. He's been pulling himself up on things but he gets really frustrated when he can't quite get up to higher platforms like the couch. I keep helping him up because he likes to stand but I really need to back off so he can learn to do it on his own. There are times when I'm walking into the room and I catch him standing or playing and I'm suddenly amazed at how big he is. He was 8 months old yesterday.. 4 months shy of a year!!! That is seriously so unbelievable. Oh, and he's also talking alot more but doesn't seem to do the normal ba-ba-ba, da-da-da, ma-ma-ma babbling.. he's doing "tss tss thsss sthssss" either way it's cute. -misty