The snow storm that just shutdown Denver airport is also headed this way - should be an interesting few days!!
Some photo
Peter, Misty, Grant & Henry's world view. Pete and I wanted to create a space that we could update regularly with pictures and our tales of new parenting. Feel free to add any comments or advice. I'm sure we'll need all we can get. :)
Sorry my updates have been a bit sparse lately we've had visitors! Pete's mum and her friend are visiting from New Zealand. We've been incredibly busy with a trip to Whistler, several trips to Costco, and Grant battling a really horrible 2 week+ long ear infection that has kept everyone up for weeks.
New skillz:
1. Grant is now pretty much walking though he still hasn't gotten to the point where he prefers it to crawling.
2. Says "Daddy" pretty clearly
3. Now gives high fives (though only when he feels like it but he definitely knows what he's supposed to do.
4. Has mastered climbing in and out of his book bin.
5. Has mastered climbing on top of the fireplace ledge/hearth thingy - large furniture has been placed in front of the ledge with small gaps on either side to prevent him from doing this - this is no longer a deterrent and he's now able to climb up with very little clearance.
6. Loves to spend times doing his little ring stacker toy
7. Says "ah-duh" when he's done with his food and milk and then starts tossing them if you're not quick to collect. Upon having really poor service today at a restaurant this doesn't seem like such a bad idea.
8. About a billion other cute things far too numerous to list.
I also tried to get a pic of him when I take too long with the bottle. Once he finally gets it he glares at me out the side of his eyes while he angrily drinks his milk. :) This isn't the really angry glare as he was torn between being mad and smiling for the camera.
Here are some pics oot and aboot Whistler.
The condo we stayed at was a one bedroom condo was really nice and really close to the village. Because it was a one bedroom condo Grant's portable crib thing had to be placed in the bedroom we slept in. He LOVED waking up and being able to stand up and be heard immediately. He also liked being able to crawl around and investigate every non-toy in sight. We brought this huge bag of toys up that was ignored for most of the weekend. He had fun climbing up the one step they had too, though I wasn't brave enough to let him try climbing down.
He's such a little monkey. Today I had to finally ban him from playing with the canvas bin I bought to store all of his toys. He's been playing with the bin more than his toys and today he flipped it upside down and kept throwing his toys over it and then trying to crawl up over the bin to get the toys again. The bin is like a foot+ tall and he can get his entire body on top of it and then reaches over the side for his toy. A bit too scary for me.
I've got him signed up for swimming lessons starting June 20th. I can't wait. He's going to love that.