Grant is having a whale of a time with Gramma and Grampa. He didn't take long to warm up to them at all. In the parking lot at the airport I gave him to Grampa while I put the stroller away and he didn't want to come back to me.
For quite awhile Grant has been able to say "Daddy" or "Dadda" which has been totally cute especially since I knew "Mama" wouldn't be far behind. Grant's second word was book or "buh". Totally cute! He's a reader! "Mama" would surely be next! Grant's third word was Grampa "mmpa".. fourth word was cheese. So it seems I rate below dairy products. :) It's so exciting and cute.
In other weird news Grant seems to really like The Wiggles. He clap clap claps and waves his arm along with them while he eats his cheerios in the morning. Two days in and I can't get the songs out of my head and I now know all the dances. Awesome. Anyone stuck on the moves to Fruit Salad, Yummy Yummy let me know, I can hook you up.
Peter, Misty, Grant & Henry's world view. Pete and I wanted to create a space that we could update regularly with pictures and our tales of new parenting. Feel free to add any comments or advice. I'm sure we'll need all we can get. :)
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Thursday, August 24, 2006
our little pill :)
Grant has been a little pill lately. He's not been feeling well so he's been super whiney and not sleeping through the night. He was up 3 or 4 times last night which is much harder to deal with when you're out of practice. He doesn't seem to want to eat or anything.. just snuggle for a bit.. then he's really annoyed that he can't get comfortable and wants to be back in his crib. The doctor said if he doesn't want to eat to not go to him so he doesn't look fwd to the snuggly time. Which would normally be fine but he doesn't let up. He lies in his crib and whines.. for 45 minutes straight.. might fall asleep for 15 minutes and then remembers that he's mad and starts the whining again. Which means I can go in and deal with him for 15 minutes .. or lose out on 2 hours of sleep waiting for it to stop. Gramma and Grampa arrive on Saturday and I can't wait! I'm so excited for Grant to spend time with them and show them all of his new tricks. Though his room is right next to our spare room so if this night waking keeps up I might have to supply them with some ear plugs.
The pic above was from a group of photos a friend at Microsoft Studios took for me. We didn't get very many good shots because Grant was scared of the flash for the first 10 minutes and the picture above was actually him freaking out and trying to crawl under my legs. It was cute. He'd never done that before. The next 45 minutes were spent trying to get him back on the backdrop when all he wanted to do was crawl around and mess with the really expensive equipment in the room. Silly boy.
Friday, August 18, 2006
Happy Pre-Birthday to Grant!!
lots of the pics of the babies in the photo album.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
big boy territory...
So I guess we're done with the bottle. For the past 3 nights I've offered Grant a bottle at bedtime and every night he's refused. I guess he's done. It seems so strange to think of him not having a bottle. Normally I'm so excited about all of his new milestones and all the "big boy" achievements. I cheer him on and push him along in all of these new feats. This self weaning really threw me for a loop and made me a little emotional. My little baby who used to fit in the crook of my arm is now charging ahead on his own, like it or not, into Toddlerville. Hang on tight.
Monday, August 14, 2006
paging dr. desructo...
So no one told me the lengths you need to go to in considering what to childproof. Then again.. no one else seems to have a Grant. :)
Grant's favorite spot to play over the last few days has been under the kitchen table. It's actually been kinda cute to hear him playing around under there while I'm cooking or doing some other work in the kitchen. I didn't pay too much attention to what he was actually doing under there. I thought it was just normal exploring. Yesterday Peter got down on the floor when we heard him rattling something. Turns out Grant found the wingnut holding one of the tables legs to the table and was working at loosening it. Peter tightened it up and we had a little laugh about how he's always trying to figure out how things work. If you give him a toy the first thing he does is turn it over to see how it works. Grant was under the table again tonight and managed to loosen the same nut Peter had just tightened. We now have to get pliers out and make sure they're all super tight.
The pictures above are Grant testing out one of his birthday presents early. He got a cool little trike from Gramma and Grampa Dishman and he LOOOVES it. I love the picture posted above because he really gets excited when we push him FAST... so fast his little hair flies up. Thanks Gramma and Grampa!
Monday, August 07, 2006
dood's got mad skills...
New pics posted in the photo album. The pictures above are from a park at the lake down the road.
In other news Grant's finally found his "outside voice" and he REALLY likes to squeal. People have always commented on how quiet Grant is. He does the normal baby babble but sparingly and not really much in front of other people unless he's truly comfortable. Today something clicked and he realized he can make a really LOUD high pitched squeal. So he practiced all afternoon. When he was playing, when he was mad, when he was happy, when he was supposed to be sleeping. It was kinda funny and pretty cute the first 20 minutes. I could have done with out the angry squeal when getting him into his car seat though. :) He's definitely very good at letting you know when he's not happy.
Anyway.. learning new stuff everyday. He's also been waking up throughout the night again. :P
That's one skill I'm hoping goes by the wayside pretty quickly.
Friday, August 04, 2006
reminder to SELF would actually imply that you CHANGE him on a regular basis... including the pooey ones.
warning: not for the faint of heart...
So Grant has had some stomach virus the last 5 days and has had the slimey green poo's. Gross. Yeah.. well be thankful you're not changing him 50 times a day like me. So as a result of all of this he's gotten a HORRIBLE diaper rash. He looks like one of the red-butted monkeys at the zoo. And if he wasn't hard enough to change already.. getting a new diaper on him is like a WWF wrestling match. So this morning I went in and fed him and changed him and his butt seemed even more red than the day before. I wanted to let him air out before I put on any diaper cream or a new diaper because that's what they say.. air them out right? While I was getting out his diaper stuff he flipped off the ottoman and crawled towards his door. He's getting really good at learning what no means and even listens pretty well. So I said "No, don't go out the door, you need to stay in here". He turned and sat on the carpeted floor of his room and looked at me. So while I sat there quite proud of him and his good listening skills I heard a gurgle and noticed he was making a familiar face. As I realized what the face was I yelled "GRANT! DON'T POOP ON THE FLOOR!". Apparently that set off his "flee" instinct and he took off leaving a mess on the carpet and then tracking it through the wood floors of the hallway into our bedroom. He's really fast. So I yelled out to Pete who was still in bed that I needed help. When Pete got to the doorway Grant was all excited to see him and Pete stood there just stunned at the mess before him. I was working frantically at containment and cleanup and Pete was just standing there going "ohmygod.. ohmygod.. oh.. ugh". Great help! Thanks Pete! In the end I decided a bath was best and Pete went to get the carpet steam cleaner. Did I mention Grant's room has WHITE carpet? Fortunately it all seems to have come out. But it's not really a great way to start your morning. The thing is you really wanna kick yourself because OF COURSE it was going to happen.
So I'll say it again (until next time)... I've learned my lesson!! (To my credit he hasn't poo'ed in his bed again!)
So I'll say it again (until next time)... I've learned my lesson!! (To my credit he hasn't poo'ed in his bed again!)
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