Thursday, March 13, 2008

Daddy OUT! & blowout city

I'm typing this from Peter's account but rest assured it's me.. as Peter hasn't entered a blog post in probably a year.

We just got back last night from a 4 day/3 night long trip up to the North part of the South Island. We spent a couple of nights in Kaiteriteri which is right along the beach and where the water taxis and cruises take off from. It was a pretty long drive and Henry gave us a lovely ending to the day by blowing out as soon as we arrived. The next day we took a 2+ hour water cruise to Totranui where we had a nice picnic on the beach.. chased Grant around and got eaten by sandflies. Grant was completely wiped out and fell fast asleep on the water taxi almost as soon as we boarded. They were both really good travelers again though Grant is getting really, really tired of his carseat. I can totally understand it though. We travel for hours and then he gets to have 20 min of fun and we're off again.. so everytime he gets back in he thinks its going to be for hours again. The third night we stayed in a place a little south of Punakaiki where the Pancake rocks are. Grant thought that every rock from the pebbles to the parking lot to the paved pathway were "CANCAKE WOKS!!!" It was a ten minute walk to the rocks and when we got there he was underwhelmed and we had to keep him tantrum free and away from the shear drop-offs for 20 mins while we waited for high tide. The tide comes it and blasts out these blow holes through the pancake rocks that water has carved out over time.

Through this all the biggest challenge has been getting him to bed at night in a hotel room with us in the same room. It's like his evil uncontrollable twin comes to visit at around 7pm every night. He basically does anything naughty for attention until we're both in bed and ready to go to sleep and then he crashes out on the floor and we have to pick him up and put him in his bed 5 minutes later. On the last night we thought up a really cunning plan. We'd PRETEND like we were going to bed @ 7pm and once he fell asleep we'd pick him up and put him to bed and we'd be free to read the paper or do whatever. 2 hours later Grant had peaked on the naughty scale and was doing anything to get attention. This included screaming monster noises at Henry and shaking his crib, going through Peter's suitcase and throwing all the clothes up in the air. Coming around to each of our sides of the bed and yelling "1, 2, 3 WAKE UP DADDY/BAH-EE!!!!!!" Eventually on the last night we brought in his carseat and strapped him in that and 5 minutes later he'd fallen asleep and we moved him to bed. I'm still not sure we did the right thing but it worked. When we looked at the time it was then close to 9pm and we were exhausted and ready for bed and we realized he'd outsmarted us by messing around until we were ready for bed again.

When we get back to his bed at Granny's house Grant is then refusing to go to bed again. He messes around for an hour and when Pete goes in to try and tuck him in and be loving Grant lies down on the bed for about 3 minutes then turns around and says DADDY GO! and kicks him out the room. There's gratitude for you.

Henry on the other hand tried his first bottle of formula today and all seems to be well with that. We're preparing for a night away and wanted to see if we could get him used to a bottle and formula so he could stay with Sarah. He's also blowing out about every day which is really annoying when you're on holiday. He's also getting quite good with his little hands. Today I saw him pull out his binky.. look at it and then try and get it back in his mouth. He's also decided he really hates any sort of blankets on his feet. He's good at kicking out of any swaddle and kicking off any sort of blankets you use to cover him up no matter the weather.

Speaking of which Henry is paging me now..


ps. will try and get pete to upload some links of the places we've been and our pictures sometime tonight.

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