Sunday, December 02, 2007

back to normal & we've created a Christmas monster...

So things all seem to be doing better for Grant. He's back up to his normal tricks and tantrums and the only thing that seems to be remaining is that he keeps squinting up his eyes like he's got a headache. We've got a Sleep EEG scheduled for Thursday and a results follow-up with the neurologist on Friday. The Sleep EEG should be fun. Grant isn't allowed to sleep more than 4 hours the night before and no naps. It's not like we're getting loads of sleep with Henry around anyway but geez. But if it rules out any other issues I'll happily comply.

December 1st was yesterday and we woke up to see a blanket of snow in our yard. I had no idea that Grant even knew what snow was but he was incredibly happy to see it. He was standing at our sliding glass door and clapping and yelling "SNOOOWWW". Peter took him out later in the day to play around in it and he loved it and threw a good old Grant sized tantrum when he learned he had to come in.

This year we also bought Grant an Advent Calendar. It's wooden and looks like a small Victorian house with little doors and compartments for treats for every day leading up to Christmas. We didn't really do this in my family but it was a big part of Christmas for Peter and one he wanted to do with the boys. We took it out the night before and decided we'd only put the treat in for the next morning because we weren't sure he was going to GET that you could only have one treat every day. When he woke up that morning it was the first thing he saw, even before the snow and kept saying "HOUSE" and pointing to it. We'd decided we would let him open the day's door after breakfast so Peter could be here with him when he did it. We may have made a mistake in putting his favorite treat in the world in day #1. Mini M&M's. He got to have some of these over Halloween as a special treat and since then anytime he sees them in the store he asks for them. He calls them "red,blue,green,blue" which is a lot longer than M&M's but it seems to have stuck. So we had to spend all day long telling him we only got into the house one time a day - after breakfast.... all day long.

They also had the little Rudolph and Santa Christmas TV shows with the felt stop animation that I loved as a kid and we bought them thinking he might like them. Because I came down with something (yes, Henry is the only man standing not hit by this virus) he spent a good part of the day watching Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. When he wasn't watching it he was asking for it... all day long.

This morning Grant woke us up at 5am. I heard him saying something over and over and since we're both still on hyper-alert from his seizure I went in to check on him. In a flash he'd jumped out of his bed, ran past me out his door and down the hallway and stood in front of his Advent Calendar and asked for his "house". When we told him that we had to wait til after breakfast he asked to eat and when we told him it was too early he then requested "Red Ball" while rubbing his nose. He repeated this process til it was time for breakfast, time for the calendar and time for Rudolph.

Tis the season!

Merrily yours,
-misty :)

OH!! and we had some photos taken of Henry a couple of days after he was born. Here's a slide show of them:

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