Wednesday, June 13, 2007

confusing celebrations & happy news on the prego front...

I've been practicing "pottie time" with Grant every morning after breakfast for about a week now. We go in and take off his diaper and he sits on his pottie. I let him play with special toys and books that I only let him play with during pottie time. For a week my really "regular" guy has sat on the pottie and happily played for 10-15 unproductive minutes. Today I got him up from his nap and decided we'd do a second round of pottie time. We went in and did our regular stuff and suddenly he looked quite concerned and reached down between his legs to grab himself. I noticed wee in the toilet so I cheered for him and think my cheering added to the confusion. Anyway.. it's a small milestone but we'll take it!

We also finished up Grant's art class this last week. It was fun! All the messy painting and play dough you could fit in an hour and then you remove the apron and someone else deals with the mess.

I got the OK from our fertility doctor and my OB this week to stop the 2x daily injections of heparin!!!! I can't tell you what a relief it is. You would think you'd get used to it but it still hurt and my stomach is still covered in huge bruises.

We had an OB visit today and everything looks good on the baby front. I was REALLY hoping to find out the sex but it didn't happen. So now we have to wait 2 more weeks til our next ultrasound. We heard the heartbeat and everything was good. I've still been suffering from horrible morning sickness and she gave me a prescription for some anti-nausea stuff. I'm kinda iffy on taking anything but I didn't get sick today. Tomorrow will probably be a different story.


1 comment:

Joanna said...

Hurray! No more shots!! Hopefully no more nausia either. Hang in there, Misty!